
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Raw Juicing and Smoothies!

Mommy is a raw food vegan, so we eat lots of fresh fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds in our family. Joey is a vegetarian. All of the boys (Daddy, too!) are omnivores. We help with juicing about every other day. We either make our famous "vruit", a smoothie, or we do fresh citrus juicing (take a looks at these beautiful oranges!). This helps us get our vitamins and minerals naturally, even when we don't feel like eating salads all the time. It's also a fun way to learn the names of the fruits/veggies, count, cut, and help out with preparation. We figure out which ones are roots, which ones are fruits, and which ones grow on vines/bushes/trees. We look for spirals and patterns and we talk about seeds and growing. Our rabbit, Rabbee gets all of the leftover goodies from our juicer!

We purchase most of our fruits and veggies from natural food stores, the organic sections at conventional grocery stores, and farmers' markets. Once per week we visit the Sacramento Waldorf School where they sell their bio-dynamic, organic leafy greens and other seasonal fruits and veggies. Their kale and collards are up to 3 feet in length! Yummy.

Syrendell Vruit
1. Juiceman juicer or other high-quality juicer machine, bowl, wisk, glasses
2. Slice and wash 2 apples, 1 beet (if you leave out the beet, the color of the drink will be more green instead of pink/purple)
3. Wash leaves of kale, spinach, collard greens, chard, dandelion greens, watercress or other dark, leafy greens
4. Wash a handful of parsley or sprouts (alfalfa, clover, broccoli)
5. Wash and lightly scrub with your hands 3 carrots
6. Run all items through the juicer
7. The mixture will land in a bowl. Wisk the mixture.
8. Pour into glasses and drink as is, or add a bit of orange juice to taste!

Syrendell Chunky Monkey Smoothie
1. High speed blender, such as Vita-Mix
2. Place chunks of 3 frozen bananas inside of mixer (when your bananas start to turn soft, cut them up and put in a container in the freezer to save for future smoothies)3. Add 2-4 tablespoons of raw cacao powder
4. Add 2-3 tablespoons of raw organic almond butter (not roasted)
5. Pour chocolate or vanilla almond milks or vanilla soy milk until the blender is 3/4 full (even better, make your own raw almond milk!)
6. Blend on low, then speed up the blender until the consistency is right
7. Serve in glasses and enjoy right away!


  1. We love juicing as well! Thanks for the recipe...we will have to try it!

  2. Your drinks sound delicious and so healthy!

  3. Fantastic information. I would love to go totally raw. Maybe after this baby I will give it a go.

    Leilani Cleveland Deveau


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