
Monday, March 16, 2009

Leprechauns in our Yard

Now that the weather is improving, we are spending time daily in the back yard. Inspired by The Magic Onions post on her gnome feast, Wilson decided to create a little home for leprechauns and fairies.

Wilson laughed with glee when he found the perfect mushroom. "I think that they would like to play hopscotch," he exclaimed as he busily found items to decorate the fairy home. Creating a ring around the mushroom with stones, we added leaves for beds, acorn caps for soup bowls and drew a hopscotch game in the dirt leading into the circle. The acorn caps fit snugly into the natural splits in the mushroom top.

"I'm making soup for the leprechauns!" said Wilson as he loaded up each little acorn bowl with tiny clovers, always searching for that special shamrock.

We are going to check on the fairy home on St. Patrick's Day to see if the leprechauns visited to eat their meal and rest on the leaves....


  1. This is so beautiful! I love it that the leprechauns ate the soup and left a thank you note....didn't know leprechauns were so polite.

  2. I am flooded with joy from this post... I know how utterly delightful making our mushroom table was and can just see you guys experienced the same. There really is wonder and magic around!


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