
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Green Sprite and Snooks the Snail

Blogtale #2

One fine day, the Syrendell Sprites were at a peace rally at a local park. (Apparently, a bit of an argument occurred between squirrels and bluejays.) At only three inches tall, the sprites are quite brave in their endeavors! They were in the middle of a chant when Green Sprite realized she had forgotten to have breakfast with her friend Snooks the Snail.

Green Sprite told the other sprites that she had better return to Syrendell, and to finish the rally without her. When Green Sprite entered her garden, she spotted Snooks waiting with a little frown on her face.

"Snooks," said Green Sprite, "I am so sorry! I promised to have breakfast with you, and instead I rushed out to the rally." Seeing that her snail friend was a bit sad, and quite hungry, Green Sprite found a rather juicy azalea flower from the garden, knowing that it would cheer her up.

"Let's share this yummy flower, Snooks," exclaimed Green Sprite. Snooks loved azaleas and loved that her friend Green Sprite was so caring. Playful as always, Snooks climbed up on top of Green Sprite's head.

Green Sprite looked left and looked right. Where did Snooks go, she wondered?

Snooks surprised Green Sprite and they both shared a good laugh, and a lovely, late breakfast. In the distance, they could hear squirrels and bluejays singing together - the peace rally went well.

The End
Syrendell Blogtale #2 - The images here are photographs with a simple "colored pencil" digital filter applied. The snail is available in our syrendell.etsy shop.


  1. Too cute! I just love the snail!

  2. That little snail is SO cute! I was wondering what kind of pictures those were. I thought the sprite had alot of texture suddenly. cute story! :)

  3. I have you in my etsy favorites, and I need to go peek again. I'm so behind on blog reading as well as keeping up with all the fun items in etsy!

    The snail is adorable, by the way. :)


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