
Monday, May 4, 2009

Geometry Hunt!

Here is an easy and fun way to gently introduce geometry to little ones.
1. Find bowls or containers in the shapes that you want to teach. We used wood bowls from thrift stores in the shapes of circle, oval, square and triangle.

2. Send the kids on a "geometry hunt" or "shape hunt" throughout the house and/or yard. They will place items in that shape inside the bowls. The bowls limit the size, but not the imagination!

3. Place the bowls in a prominent place and allow items to be added throughout the week.

4. At the end of the week, gather the bowls together, share what was found, and talk about the shapes (how many sides, how do they move, what do they make...). Older children will be able to talk about sphere vs. half-dome vs. circle, whereas little ones will be excited by anything that is circular! Notice which shapes are more prevalent in the house, in nature, etc.

Don't be surprised if the hunt continues beyond the week! Lately, we are especially excited to find anything triangular....


  1. I like the geometry hunt! It sounds like a great family math activity.

  2. What a lovely idea- so beautiful and I love the may pole pics from the steiner school

  3. I was giggling thinking about our wobbly wave shaped wooden bowls from Hawaii. I wonder what he's plop in there?
    Great idea -- thanks!

  4. Fun project! I especially like your bowls!

  5. Hi Jennifer

    I just love the way you have introduced geometry. What a fun way. Oh well, another excuse to go thrift store browsing..

    Thank you

  6. LOL, your wooden bowls remind me of the ones we have in our own home. Seems like wooden bowls come in so many shapes and sizes, I love them!


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