
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dyeing Fiber, Yarn and More!

Joey, Wilson and Mommy's Tie-Dyeing

We just got home from the Griffin Dyeworks Dye & Fiber Retreat in Castaic, CA. Three days of camping, spinning, dyeing, workshops, food and laughter! What a nice group of talented and giving. We can't wait to go back again next year!

Here are some highlights of the retreat:

Ricky Basket Weaving

Joey Weaving a Pouch

Bjo (Mistress of natural dyeing!) Teaching Mud Dyeing

Wilson Making Felted Soap

Mommy Teaching Recycled "Plarn" Bag Crochet Class

Daddy Leading a Drum Circle
Mommy Leading Morning Yoga

Daddy Making Lampwork Glass Beads
Ricky Indigo Dyeing his Handspun Yarn
More blogging to come on card weaving, mud dyeing, natural dyeing....


  1. So cool!! :0) I wish we could do something like much fun and so much learning...ahhh...jealous! :0)

  2. Morning Jennifer

    Oh my...I can see why you look forward to going. This is just what our family would love to experience. Mud dyeing sounds interesting..I am glad you all enjoyed it.

    Happy day to you

    Warm regards

  3. wow, what an awesome time! :^)

  4. I'm going to really try to go next year. This sounds like so much fun and it's something I really need to do. I would love to learn natural dyeing and basket weaving. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

  5. Wow! That looks like sooo much fun!

  6. That looks like soooo much fun!

    I especially love the basket weaving photo. I'd love to see a "finished" photo of it down the road. :)

  7. Sounds like an incredibly wonderful time!!! SO happy you all could enjoy this special trip together :-)

  8. That looks like such an awesome experience. I know my kids (and myself!) would love it. We'll have to add that to our list to do one year.

    I forgot to mention earlier that your sprite made another appearance on my blog over the weekend. :)

  9. Looks like a wonderful time!!
    I just blogged about being able to dye with mushrooms and getting every color of the rainbow! How interesting you can also dye with mud!

  10. Your family and blog just amaze me. I just love how artistic you all are, even that very talented husband. The only creative thing my hubby does is cutting fun trails in our field with the tractor, lol. Oh, well to each his own.

    Lisa :)


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