
Monday, July 27, 2009

Dyeing Felt and Silk Velvet

We've been a bit obsessed with natural dyeing lately...way too much fun! As we said in an earlier post, you never really know what colors you will get until you dye them.

Silk velvet generally absorbs dyes differently than other types of silk. Here are some of our little velvet purses that we dyed this past week. They are terrific for coins, shells, pearls, tooth fairy items, or even as an adult make-up bag or accessory. Joey likes the fuschia one!

Light blue = blueberries
Fuschia = copper, Brazilwood
Lemon yellow = safflowers
Peach blossom = madder root
Mustard = copper, turmeric
Mushroom taupe = walnut hulls

Finding high-quality felt is not easy! We found a farm that mills their own organic wool felt and it's SO thick (at least 1/4 in.) and beautiful. Hmmm...maybe a storyboard, or the base or background of a nature table, or a crown? We naturally dyed 18 x 18 in. pieces.

Earth Goddess = part walnut hulls, part copper/turmeric (this once could be the background of a scene!)
Peach/pink = safflowers
Sunshine yellow = turmeric
Lavender/burgundy = copper, Brazilwood

All items are available in our Etsy shop right now. We can't decide if it's more fun to dye up the items or use them!


  1. Wow! Such pretty colors from natural materials...I love it! How fun that must have been!

  2. Oh, such pretty colors. I always enjoy reading these posts of yours and seeing what you all are creating. My favorite colors have to be the ones dyed by the turmeric and also the blueberries. :)

  3. I love your dyeing! I was going to tell you which one was my favorite but I couldn't choose, they are all so beautiful.

  4. they are beautiful. How fun to dye and make your own colors!

    I have been meaning to try dying some silk just haven't had a chance.

  5. Such lovely colors! Thanks for the guide, I've been wanting to try to do some natural dyeing... it gets too embarrassing to stand in the market line with 20 packets of kool aid :D

  6. i love the colors and the tips on natural dyeing. we have a couple of angora goats here and i will someday experiment with dyeing some of their fiber. in a few years. when my babies are a bit older and can help!! or maybe sooner.

  7. Just beautiful colours. I so love reading about all your incredible creativity. Always so inspirational. I tell many people I chat with regarding fibre crafts about your wonderfully creative family and the creative children who so ably spin the most beautiful yarns too.

  8. Thank you for posting this! I just looked at the family unit for preschool and saw that it included dying wool and I was concerned because I have no idea what I'm doing.

    Oh, and I love the colors too!

  9. oh yummy felt! beautiful colors! the silk velvet is neat, i've never used that before.

    Lisa ;)


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