
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Summer Projects

Some of our Summer projects...

Handspun Yarns

Ricky's "Nitrogen" Yarn

Joey's "Lavender Fields" Yarn

Joey's watercolor -- an Autumn tree.

Ricky's rune cards in progress (more on this project to come).

Wilson's Hungry Caterpillar out of a paper towel tube.


  1. Such beautiful yarns - gorgeous, vibrant colours. I love Joey's autumn tree and Wilson's caterpillar is full of character. We enjoy Eric Carle's books here too.

  2. oh, so pretty! I really like water color painted paper. I'm still tinkering with it.

  3. Just seen your gorgeous silk streamers on the Etsy email... CONGRATULATIONS!! That's HUGE... I even feel proud to know you... it was so exciting to see them! Well done!
    Blessings and magic!

  4. thank you so much for your encouraging comment on my blog.
    I was quite surprised to see your comment-by coincedent, last wek I added lots of your items to my favourites at etsy ;)
    Kind regards

  5. I love the hungry caterpillar! How inventive! BTW, are there simple ways that you are learning to dye yarn and fabric? My daughter and I are going to attempt to use natural dyes this week to dye wool and it seems a bit complicated . . .

  6. Beautiful summer projects. As always the Tan family is so creative and artistic!


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