
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy Autumn!

Happy Autumn!

We are taking our time celebrating Autumn this year. Something little each day.

Star Lanterns from our old watercolor paintings.

Sandbox for Letters/Numbers, Finding Treasures, Meditation (see for more info. on making the sandbox)

Needlefelting Dwarves Mining and Wet-felting Cave (instructions and more pics to come!)

Reading Autumn Poems and Singing Autumn Songs

Making Cornhusk Dolls

Cutting, Needlefelting, and Sewing Autumn King & Queen Crowns

Baking Vegan Harvest Herb Bread and Carrot Cake

Exploring the Magical Five Seeds in Apples

Felting Acorn People Finger Puppets
What are you doing to celebrate Autumn?


  1. There is an awful lot of inspiring fun going on at your house! I'm putting you on my bloglist!

  2. So much fun! I really like your star lanterns. And what a wonderful season to celebrate! I love Autumn! :-)

  3. Well what a creative autumn week you have had. I love all your projects.

    (I had such a hard time with those star lanterns last year. I feel like I am the only one who could not figure it out. I am going to have Jason try this year...)

    We usually start school the first week of autumn, so we had a very gentle beginning, mostly focused on celebrating the season.

    Happy Autumn to you and your family!

  4. Thank you all for the kind words! I have an instruction sheet with pictures if anyone is interested in how to make the lanterns. The instructions are in Danish (I think!), but if you follow the pictures, you can do it. Take an old watercoloring picture, cut out a circle (use a compass), rub vegetable oil in it and let sit overnight before folding. Email us at if you would like a copy of the instructions.

  5. Hello Jennifer

    I love coming to be inspired. Autumn is a whole two seasons away but I will remember this post. I would love to try the star lanterns. Your children really do experience it all. They have wonderful parents..

    Happy day to you and your family Jennifer.

    Warm regards

  6. Wow, you guys have been busy! I LOVE all the crafts, very inspiring! What a great idea to make the lanterns with old paintings!

  7. Happy Autumn beautiful Syrendell family! Such a beautiful start to Autumn.


  8. We are working with our will, chopping wood, putting away food, and hiking in the colorful woods!

    I'm finally going to learn how to make those star lanterns for Advent. There's a tutorial at "Harmony Valley Homeschool" blog that Lisa Anne wrote last winter.

  9. I love visiting your blog and have just given you a blog award! You can visit my blog to get the banner and details. :-D

  10. I love the autumn projects, such a special time of the year!

  11. Honoured to have you following Making Honey. I love your blog, and Rick's. Very inspiring!

  12. Looks like you are having a great time. We've been crafting lots...but most of our time is being spent outdoors playing. We are really enjoying this cooler weather!! :0) Oct/Nov. we'll have a pumpkin patch retreat, display all the new fall decorations, have a hayride, build a scarecrow, run through corn mazes, needle-felt and knit woolens...and more crafts to be sure!!

    Fall comes later for us than you...

  13. Beautiful lanterns!!! I would love a tutorial on how to make them!! I love Autumn.

  14. Hi, Jennifer! Go to acornpies today to pick up your Kreativ Blogger Award, which I am passing on to you! love, Beth

  15. What an incredibly talented family you are!

  16. such beauty and creativity in your days! your star lanterns are gorgeous! we had a tea party in celebration of autumn, enjoyed a wool festival and of course enjoying all that natures classroom has to offer!

  17. Love all your crafting. We make the star lanterns too. They turn out so beautifully. I was curious..what size watercolor sheets did you use when making yours?

  18. Hello Simple Mama! We originally watercolored on the large, 11x18 inch watercolor paper that we buy at Steiner College bookstore. Then, we drew a circle (you can also start with a square) as large as we could on the paper. The lanterns ended up being pretty small, but we love them!

  19. Oh my word, your autumn is worth a year--how wonderful!

    We're celebrating rain for autumn, pruning in the garden and planting wildflower seeds.

    And I'm finishing the first draft of my book--expect a BIG celebration dinner by end of October.

    Thanks for sharing your wonderfully creative days.


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