
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Simple Weaving

Children love to weave...there's something about the in-and-out, back-and-forth motion that is soothing and creative at the same time. Here's a verse/song for winding yarn onto stick shuttles:

Up and down
Up and down
We are making figure eights
Up and down
Up and down
We are loading shuttles

Don't have a loom? Floor looms and table looms can be a bit pricey. Potholder looms, Hazel Rose looms, Sprang looms, and other small looms are wonderful options...or, you can make your own loom out of cardboard to create pouches, pencil cases, and cup cozies.
Never throw away a coffee sleeve again! They make wonderful little looms. The key is to cut an odd number of slots. Joey is shown here weaving with a naalbinding needle, yarn, and a coffee sleeve. She then crocheted a flower and we put it on a glass jar with crochet hooks in it for display.

And, for the young ones, a pine cone, yarn and beads is a simple, but beautiful weaving project. This may be incorporated with a nature walk to find the cones, a winter poem or song, selecting winter-colored beads, stringing the beads, weaving in spiral, and observing how spirals occur in nature. It makes a cute little gift, tree decoration or addition to a nature table.


  1. Thank you for sharing great weaving ideas to incorporate into our home. I am most impressed with the coffee sleeve! I really like the pinecone idea.

  2. How fun, Jennifer! The kids are getting such a wonderful education and you can realy feel the heart in your posts. Thanks for the continued inspiration! Miss chatting with you, Mamma!

  3. These are great - just today my son came downstairs and headed out to the enclosed porch letting me know he was making his own loom. My daughter has a small wooden lap loom and he wanted one too.
    I will be posting a picture of his on my blog tomorrow.

    I just love the coffee cup cozy weaving - what talented children!
    Warm wishes.

  4. oh this is completely stunning... what a beautiful joy to share with your sweet lil ones :)

    Goddess Leonie


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