
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Foreign Language Tele-seminar Thurs. 2/4

Free teleseminar on foreign language and homeschooling this Thursday with Jennifer Tan at 5pm PST (8pm EST).  Register at:   You can listen in via phone or on your computer.  If you listen on the computer, you will also be able to view a visual presentation! 

The Waldorf Connection is offering free replays of the presentation on their website for up to 48 hours after the show. Special deals in our Etsy shop for those who listen!


  1. Delighted! I just found your facebook page and became a fan- sending you Michigan hugs and kisses : )

  2. Can't wait! I'm sure it will be awesome!!!! :D

  3. will be there, Jennifer, and knitting your wool while listening! Good luck!

  4. Your foreign language seminar sounds wonderful Jennifer!

  5. Looking forward to talking with you tonight!! :)

  6. Thank you so much for this! I learned a lot and feel like I have some great ideas now for bringing foreign languages into our daily lives.

    Excellent presentation and the slides were very helpful, too. I enjoyed this very much.

  7. Thanks, Kara! Feel free to email me if you have any questions. :)

  8. It was a great talk! Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom!

  9. Your talk was *wonderful*, Jennifer. Thank you for sharing your experience and creativity on this topic.

  10. Really glad I listened in. I've totally dropped the ball with foreign language so this has motivated me to start small. Thanks for all the insight!

  11. Hi Jennifer
    Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed and learned from your foreign language seminar. You were great. What I loved the most was that you say you just do it. I know sometimes I can get so daunted by not feeling I know enough about something I want to bring to the children that I don't do it until I feel ready. Your start simple and make it part of what you DO really made an impact. Thank you so much for all you shared.
    Best wishes


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