
Monday, February 1, 2010

The River

The river she is flowing
Flowing and growing
The river she is flowing
Down to the sea

Mother carry me
Your child I will always be
Father carry me
Down to the sea....

Today was sunny, so we went for a hike down by the American River near our home in Fair Oaks, CA.  We brought a picnic lunch and enjoyed the sun on our faces!

Crossing a bridge

Skipping stones

Making bark/leaf rafts

Finding a nest
Picking flowers for Mommy
Finding fish bones
Mistletoe on the oak trees
Collecting interesting river rocks
Seeking out mushrooms
Hiking on trails
An amazing day!


  1. I love that last much your kids resemble their dad even in the way they sit by the water! :)

  2. It's so green and lovely there! I wish it was spring here so we could be doing what you are doing. :0) Soon...for now, lots of snow and ice, though it's starting to melt.

  3. Oh, I used to sing that song to my babies all the time! It brings back so many wonderful memories. So calming to sing over and over :)

  4. Gosh, I loved hearing birds and even buzzing insects for a change! We are mostly hearing howling wind these days! Beth

  5. Lovely photos- your weather is rather different than ours! I had forgotten that song, thanks for reminding me!

  6. Jealous of your sun! Looks like a wonderful day.

  7. Wow what a beautiful day. It never fails to amaze me all that we can learn from moter nature,

    Many Blessings to you and your family.


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