
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Syrendell Workshops in Review

We can't express enough how much we enjoy sharing, teaching and learning with others on this homeschooling/Waldorf path.  Thank you for these beautiful blog posts about our recent Spinning and Grade 2 workshops!
Spinning at the Spinning Wheels

Jen D's blog at Ancient Hearth

More pictures of our spinning 1/2 day, and Grade 2 1/2 workshops:
Spindle Spinning

Main Lesson Book Practice - Fables

Wet-on-Wet Watercoloring

Nature Weaving with 7 Year-Olds

Upcoming Workshops at:  Let us know if you need a custom workshop here in Fair Oaks, or at your own location.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the workshops were so much fun! And I learned so much - though I'm not a *spa type girl* and haven't me attending your workshops was better than a spa day! Relaxing, rejuvenating, educational, inspiring and social - what could be better?!?! Can't wait to come again and thank you guys for sharing your talents, wisdom and experience with the rest of us! Lots of hugs, Jen


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