
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Early Summer

It's starting to feel like summer around here!

The garden is growing. Wow! Look at the pumpkins leaves.

Time for walks (and dancing!) around the neighborhood.

Hiding out under the new bridge across the creek in the back yard.

Spinning yarn on the porch.

Playing guitar and weaving outside.

Card games in the garden (look at the squash!).

Floating sailboats (available on Etsy) down the creek.

Serenading Mommy on her birthday (poem blogged here).

Watching a dove through the front door window. 
--Happy Summer!


  1. I love your new bridge. And your squash plants look awesome! Happy Summer :)

  2. Beautiful, wonderful, little lives you guys live!!!


  3. oh i cant wait for summer. Im about to get into the garden now and save what i can from the frost. Better rug up first!

  4. happy summer to you, too! and a happy, happy birthday! such a sweet poem your hubby wrote for you. ;)

  5. Happy belated b-day, Jennifer! I always love the glimpses of your homelife. And I am jealous of your pumpkin leaves. I have tried for two years to grow our own in our sandy soil and just can't seem to get it right. Hope you post pictures of your pumpkins this fall!

  6. I'm sure there will be lots of summer magic happening in that beautiful backyard of yours!

  7. Lovely. We are just starting to embrace summer.

  8. Everything looks wonderful, hope you enjoy a warm weekend

  9. Happy belated birthday Jennifer! Your pictures are so beautiful, I love seeing all the outdoor fun you guys are having (I am writing from a concrete jungle and can only wish we will live somewhere so beautiful someday). Thanks for linking to my store!

  10. I love your summer fun, the best time of year! The garden is incredible. Birthday celebration looks perfect, music, food and beautiful family.

  11. Hi Jennifer,
    I just wanted to let you know that I've awarded you the "Beautiful Blogger Award". You can stop by my blog to check it out! Hope to see you guys sometime soon!

  12. Happy belated birthday, Jennifer!
    Beautiful, happy, creative summer days. Happy Summer!

  13. such beautiful inspiration, lovely words lovely pictures.
    Thanks for sharing...


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