
Monday, June 7, 2010

Handwork Workshop

On May 29, we hosted a Handwork in the Dell workshop in Fair Oaks.  What a beautiful day!  The sun was shining as a group of lovely, creative women entered our home.

 We started out with circle time singing "My Hands are Good" to warm up.

Spinning on spindles and carding up batts was great fun! Joey helped with the niddy noddy and demonstrated the spinning wheel.

Tunisian crocheting is quicker than knitting, uses less yarn than crocheting and is easy to learn.  We even made the "knit stitch" which looks just like stockinette.  After lunch, we did some knitting and verses.

Weaving on small cardboard looms with a naalbinding wood needle gave us a good start on making a simple pouch.  We also tried out the Ashford Knitter's loom.

Our next handwork workshop is in August!  Email us if you are interested in attending, or if you want a handwork workshop near you.

Ashford Knitters Loom


  1. How fun! And, I love the colors of the yarn in the second picture down. So pretty! The dove is cute above your Syrendell sign. :-)

  2. Oh my...I love all these wonderful workshops that you do!!! Would you consider relocating to rural Eastern Ontario??!!
    xo maureen

  3. Thanks, Maureen! We would love to visit Ontario and do a workshop there. Email us if you are interested!

  4. You've inspired me to break out the loom again. The children loving making bookmarks with the cardboard ones, and my loom has been begging for attention for a couple of months now. Thank you!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hello Annemarie/Scolari House! It's a Fancy Kitty Drum Carder. The man who makes them sells them on eBay. We bought it about 6 years ago and we love it!

  7. What a nice day for all at the Handwork Workshop. You do inspire people!


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