
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Circle of Life

Our family has experienced an abundance of life and loss over the past few weeks.  Such a deep, emotional learning experience for us as a family.

Exquisite joy and profound loss....

Pregnancy #4

Family ceremony to say "good-bye" to the baby after a miscarriage.  Guitar, playing the glockenspiel, rose, candle and words....

A cat came to us, pregnant with kittens.  Welcome, Sammy!

Family memorial for our pet rabbit of 5 years, "Rabbie".  Guitar, poem, digging a grave, making a wood sign.

Although this was not an easy post to create, writing it helps to bring closure to emotional endings, while rejoicing at new beginnings.  Experiencing loss and new life are a part of who we are as human beings.  Celebrating and remembering together in ceremony brings us closer as a family....


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. We will keep your family in our thoughts and hearts at this tender time.

  2. Sending so much love your way Jennifer.
    Take care

  3. We totally understand where you are coming from. We may not have lost a human life, but we lost many lives. The 7 lives of our wonderful chickens and the loss of a much loved cat. It has been a terrible few days for us as well. But, on a happier note we gained 2 rescue horses. The joys and sadness of life itself.

    Again, I know it's hard. We are sending as many good thoughts your way as we can muster. Hang in there.


  4. I am so have an amazing family, even having never met you I can tell you are all very special people.

  5. I'm so very sorry for your loss, sending love and healing prayers♥

  6. Healing thoughts and prayers to you and your family!

  7. I'm so sorry for you and your family. We will keep your family in our prayers.

  8. Love and prayers from our home to yours.

  9. you truly described a circle of life....a tough, but empowering learning experience for your children...a time to cry, hug, look to the thoughts are with you

  10. I'm sorry for you loss. Your courage and grace at this tender time ins an inspiration. Take good care, Warmly, Lisa

  11. I'm so sorry for your loss and am touched by your thoughts about the circle of life.

  12. A very emotional time for you and your all are in my thoughts.

  13. I am so sorry for your deep loss. And in the midst of a largely death-denying culture, it sounds as though you have tenderly honoured your baby as well as the sorrow of the whole family. There is power in that.

  14. What a beautiful way to say goodbye.
    Sending lots of prayers out for you and your family.

  15. Holding you and your dear family in my heart and prayers and sending much love.

  16. I'm very sorry for your losses. I hope that time and living fully (as you do) gradually ease the pain.

  17. Although hard to write about, what a beautiful telling of the circle of life. Sending lots of love your way...

  18. I am so sorry for your loss. You are all such a beautiful family and I am thinking of you.

  19. Blessing to you and your family as you heal! We are sending our prayers and energy to you.

  20. jennifer, my heart goes out to you and your family in this difficult time. i can not imagine the loss that you must feel. it is a gift and a blessing that you have such a wonderful, beautiful family to hold each other and help each other through this time. i will be thinking of you and sending lots of love and healing thoughts you way.


  21. I can feel your pain, I cried today when I read your post ... I also lost a baby a year ago at 20 weeks in pregnancy...
    sorry... my singing and my prayers are with you sister
    bendiciones y amor infinito para ustedes

  22. Blessings and love to your family

  23. Oh Jen, Blessings to you.. It is so hard I know, been there. ((HUGS)) to you, Rick & the family

  24. (((hugs))) to you Jennifer and your family. My prayer for you is serene happiness and wellness. I am glad that the earth has surrounded you with life. May it refresh your soul as you take this new breath.

  25. What an intense time for your family. Sending you love and light...

  26. Miscarriages are strange. This past May I had my 3rd. I also have 2 boys, so I am grateful for the experience of being a mother, but it is a strange place to be, when you are expecting life one day and the next your body is expelling it. Once I was relieved, once I was mad and this last time, I am just plain bewildered. Life comes and goes and we are vessels to facilitate the process. Empty in my belly, but full in my heart as I do have 2 young boys that smile every morning and I kiss every night. Wishing you peace and grace during this time for you and your family.

  27. Peace and love to you and your family as you walk the path of healing.

  28. Jennifer,

    I'm so sorry for your loss.
    Hugs and loving thoughts to you from me, across the miles.

    xoxo MaryLea

  29. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, Jennifer. Sending love and strength your way to cope with that.
    A goodbye ceremony sounds like such a lovely way to unite the family under difficult circumstances - you are such an inspiration xx

  30. Oh, thank you for sharing...I am sending you lots of love and peaceful thoughts.
    The circle of life is mysterious...this will/has definitely brought you all closer.
    Much love and light.

  31. ((hug)) i am so so sorry.


  32. When we cannot understand, we pray. My heart and prayers go out to all of you. So sorry for your loss. I hope your family will bring you solace and unexpected joy during this difficult time. Love always,


  33. So sorry for your loss. Hugs and prayers from me to all of you.

  34. Your loss is so deeply felt. I send many, many healing wishes to you and your family. Time, reflection, and love will slowly heal your wounds.

  35. May the strength of the wind and the light of the sun,
    The softness of the rain and the mystery of the moon,
    Reach you from across the oceans

    Dona nobis pacem
    Alison, NZ

  36. Oh, I am so sorry for your loss...

    May all beings find peace...

  37. Jennifer, Rick and family,

    I'm thinking of you all. I'm so sorry for your loss. I do know how it feels.



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