
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Giveaway Winners!!!

Thank you to everyone who entered our giveaway.  What fun!

Congratulations to the three winners of our giveaway:

1.  Hallie from won The Child's Year book.

2.  Nicole Hume won the Lagoon Fairy handspun yarn.

3.  Ashley won the Naalbinding needle.

We have either emailed or posted to your blog if you won.  Please respond and let us know your mailing addresses.  Congrats!   :)


  1. Congratulations to the winners! :)


  2. I am so excited to win the book!! I will have to get back with you in the next week or so about an address! :)

  3. Ok, I finally have a mailing address to give you for the book! yeah!! It feels so good to be getting settled! Where can I email you the address? mine is wpooh_9 at hotmail dot com Thanks again so much for the great giveaway!


We really love comments! Thank you for taking the time to leave a quick note. Love - Abundance - Peace - Health - Happiness!