
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Singing to the Garden

Singing to our garden encourages growth and invites the elementals.  Singing is also soothing for us as we sow, water and tend to the needs of soil and plants.

We are building Winter gardens in a planter box and a barrel.  Asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, chard!

Bu's Brew Biodynamic Compost Tea BagsOur side yard gets the best sun, so we prepped an area with organic composts and biodynamic tea, while carving a geometric pattern around the birch tree.  We've heard that planting celery in a circle makes it grow well, so the circle row is for celery!  Radishes, beets, carrots, onions, kale, lettuces, chives, parsley.  And, some pansy seeds in-between for color. 

Now, what should we sing?  Sometimes we make up songs.  One of our favorites is a German song that we wrote about thanking the Earth.  We have movements that go with the song to help us remember our German vocabulary.

Danke fur die Erde
Danke fur die warme Sonne
Danke fur den Kletterbaum
Danke fur den Bach

Danke fur den Garten
Danke fur den kleiner Frosch
Danke fur die Schnecke
Danke fur mein Freund!

Edelweiss (alpine flower) from Sound of Music is another favorite...especially the part about "bloom and grow"!

Edelweiss, Edelweiss,

Every morning you greet me,
Small and White,
Clean and bright
You look happy to meet me.
Blossoms of snow may you bloom and grow,
Bloom and grow forever
Edelweiss Edelweiss
Bless my home land forever....

A Waldorf verse (we do this with movement, too)...
I dig, dig, dig
And plant some seeds
I rake, rake, rake
And pull some weeds
I wait and watch
And soon I know
My garden sprouts
And starts to grow!

What songs do you sing to your garden?
Biodynamic Gardening: For Health & Taste


  1. That is such a pretty layout for a garden. Kayla sang to her garden this summer, too, and she had a bountiful harvest!

  2. Lovely thoughts, I am smiling, cheers Marie

  3. such a lovely post. I love the design of your garden and the spirit you bring to it. I can only imagine beautiful food that will nurture and nourish your family.

    thank you for you lovely comment.

  4. Really lovely. I love to sing, but to specifically sing to the garden is a great idea!

  5. your garden is beautiful! i took a biodynamic workshop last month and loved learning more about it. we mixed preparations with our arms in buckets and sprayed them on the gardens using evergreen boughs. so magical!!

  6. This is beautiful Jennifer! We sing in our garden too, and to our goats :) I am so very interested in biodynamic gardening - just ordered the book you suggest!

  7. The Kids and and sing too...thanks for some more songs.

  8. I love to hear about elementals! People too often disregard them. I love to sing the Ho'oponopono song to the garden, it is so healing!

  9. Your garden's layout is so beautiful! Makes me want to try something besides straight rows.

  10. I also am admiring the layout of your garden. Sadly, mine is very neglected this year (caring for ill family members... no time). Your lovely pictures certainly give me inspiration and hope for next season.

  11. What a great post. And I really like your garden and the German garden song. This week and last week we have English language lessons here at Waldorf teacher seminary in Stuttgart and we are making up fingerplays to English verses- so I know what you are talking about - movements to remember and make it even nicer...
    Just because of our very difficult German grammatic the correct form would be:
    Danke fur den Garten
    Danke fur den kleineN Frosch
    Danke fur die Schnecke
    Danke fur meinEN Freund! (changes in capitals,-)

    Warm regards,

  12. A sweet little garden it is. I would like to purchase your video tonight so I will keep your page open. The butterfly painting is beautiful.


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