
Friday, December 24, 2010

Handmade Holiday Gifts

Joey's Sewn Horse for Wilson


This year, we made an effort to handmake the majority of our gifts for the holidays.

Scarves for aunts, brothers, cousins and great-grandma.

Herbal tea for uncles and neighbors.

Tunisian crocheted hats for the children.

Ricky crocheted gnome puppets for Wilson.

Crocheted bookmarkers from Wilson for family and teachers.

Ricky felted/crocheted a headband and choker for his cousin.

And...wood sprites for nieces, felted ornaments and more, but already wrapped up before we got pictures!

Hope your handmade holidays are blissful and sweet.  Merry Christmas!


  1. Have a wonderful Christmas.


  2. Wow! I am so impressed (but not surprised - lol!) Have a wonderful Christmas and holidays, Jennifer and family!

  3. Lovely gifts! I would have been happy with any one of them! : ) Lucky, lucky recipients!!!!

  4. I love the horse!
    Can you email me so I can send you my address?
    I'm excited about the beautiful postcard.
    slj4981 at g mail dot com

  5. What a wonderful assortment of handmades! You must have gotten started in June.

  6. It's so wonderful to have handmade gifts, we did to, mostly handmade except for a few books, puzzles and a couple of eco cars,, little boys do need their cars. Sasha asked why so many gnomes mama, I think I got carried away.

    Your gifts are beautiful, have a beautiful New Year.

  7. What great gifts! Just as fun to make and give as to receive!

  8. I love your sweet family. Looks like everyone had fun making gifts and exchanging them. Happy for you and have a blessed New Year!!


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