
Friday, March 4, 2011

Early Spring Nature Table

Spring is coming, Spring is coming
Birdies build your nest.
Weave together, straw and feather
Doing each your best!
Doing each your best.

On some days in March, the sun is out here in Northern California!  Bulbs are blooming and Spring is almost here.  We always look forward to the transition from cold Winter to Sunny Spring.  Creating a new nature table together introduces pretty, pastel colors, flowers, and most of all...hope.

We start off with the kids taking everything down from Winter and cleaning the shelves.  A little Spring cleaning feels great!  Then, the kids go through the baskets of naturally-dyed silks and choose a color that reminds them of Spring.

We gather the first two daffodils that bloomed in our yard.  Our Davis home is still relatively new to us, so we were pleasantly surprised when daffodils popped up in the corner of our garden!

Daddy's hand-carved wood snail loves to make an appearance at some point.  Our little Spring dolls made from wood and naturally dyed wool and felt (from Mama Jude's on Etsy) look like flowers themselves.  Our friend squirrel carries a sign stating, "I love Spring!".  Lucy Leprechaun will make an appearance pretty soon with a clover in her hands. A crocheted fairy ring of felt flowers circle a beautiful handmade beeswax, egg-shaped candle by Jan Schubert of Bee Happy Candles.  I think that we will be reading Jan's book, The Sun Seed later this week! 

Happy Spring....


  1. What a nice welcome to Spring, the Tan family is always so inspirational! It is a warm, pre-Spring day in Southern California today and perfect for planting veggies. Hope the frost is gone for the year!

  2. Very pretty! You always have the nicest things to show.

  3. Lovely. Ours is up too, I'll post ours soon xx

  4. Beautiful. Happy spring! We haven't changed ours yet!

  5. wow! this certainly makes the season change official feeling...

  6. Yay! Spring! We are still in the depth of winter, but dreaming of green! I like the idea of clearing off the nature table and cleaning it to change it over. My kids would love that process.


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