
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Global Waldorf Expo!

Come and join the Global Waldorf Expo online through The Waldorf Connection.  You must be registered in order to attend: Click here.  A wealth of information and inspiration!

Workshop Schedule

Friday, June 10
Kick-0ff Preview: “The Importance of Waldorf Education”
With Rainbow Rosenbloom: 4:00pm Eastern

Saturday, June 11
Session one: “ It’s All Relative; Helping Your Child Meet the ‘Real’ World”
With Eugene Schwartz: 9:30 am Eastern

Session Two: “Cooking & Snacks with Children”
With Anne Marie Fryer: 11am

Session Three: “Practical Ways to Teach Multiple grades”
With Barbara Dewey: 1pm

Session Four: “Getting Dad on Board”
With Melisa & Eric Nielsen: 2:30 pm

Session Five: “Spinning a Yarn: Intuitive Storytelling”
With David Sewell McCann: 4pm

Session Six: “Music Through the Grades”
With Anne Cleveland: 5:30 pm

Sunday, June 12
Session one: “Kindergarten Days”
With Sharifa Oppenheimer: 9:30am

Session Two: “Mothers and Sons: The Dance of Attachment & Separation”
With Janet Allison: 10:30am

Session Three: “Weaving Math into Main Lesson”
With Marin Lipowitz: 12:00am

Session Four: “Festivals through the Year”
With Jennifer Tan: 1pm eastern

Session Five: Scheduling Middle & High School Lessons
With Kristie Burns: 2:30pm

Session Six: The Sense of Life in the Young Child”
with Danielle Epifani 4:00pm

Session Seven: “Teaching music to your child: You can do it!”
With Jodie Mesler: 5:30pm

Session Eight: “The Soul of Discipline”
With Kim John Payne TBA

Eugene Schwartz: “Homeschool Planning”
Donna Ashton: “Daily Rhythms & Boundaries”
Anne Cleveland: “Main Lesson Topics- grade by grade”

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