
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

LAPHH Everyday

On President's Day, the wind, rain, and gray sky heightened the feeling of wanting to be safe and cozy inside our home.

The kids played, and their twin cousins even stopped by to add to the family togetherness. Jennifer shared a mixed media art project with the kids. My daughter Joey and I worked on a song, me composing on piano, and her writing its lyrics and singing. I also spent some time designing a science ebook for homeschooling children, and Jennifer was busy spinning some amazing yarns. Every day offers an opportunity to LAPHH, to enjoy the blessings and special moments, to be together to share life's little pleasures.

What makes you LAPHH in your daily life? For those of you who follow the Syrendell blog, please tell us and we will post your thoughts.

LOVE: what is your passion, what makes your heart sing?
ABUNDANCE: what is flowing in your life, what are you thankful for?
PEACE: how do you find your inner tranquil space?
HEALTH: how do you maintain your health and well-being?
HAPPINESS: what brings you joy and pleasure?

For us, today, LOVE: time with our children, ABUNDANCE: lots of rain and creativity, PEACE: the warmth of home, HEALTH: Jennifer's chunky monkey, and HAPPINESS: togetherness.

Rain or shine, make every day count!

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