
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Our Labyrinth

As we meander down the sacred path through the bushes and trees in our back yard, we feel a sense of excitement as our labyrinth comes into view. We walk slowly, one person at a time into the spiral...breathe in...breathe out...pausing in the middle to meditate or visualize. Then, slowly we amble back to the opening of the circuit. After a journey through the labyrinth, we feel calm, grounded, and inspired....

We made a labyrinth in our backyard. It is beautiful, spiritual, calming, and magical.
After walking around the yard a few times, the kids decided that the back corner was the perfect space. We studied pictures of labyrinths from all over the world and we selected the design that we liked the best. Joey drew up a 7-circuit labyrinth, but then quickly decided that the paths would be too narrow. The design was modified to a 5-circuit labyrinth.
Next, we collected stones from the yards and placed them in the corners, the opening, and the middle. Fortunately, we found a bucket full of stones from Carlsbad beach, camping trips to Mt. Lassen and Idyllwild, trips to Lake Almanor, Lake Tahoe, and San Diego...beautiful stones from magical places! This was the perfect opportunity to infuse our yard with the energy of some of our favorite places.

We drew lines in the ground with sticks and then laid the stones on the lines. We spent a couple of weeks completing the circuits. During trips to dance, art and music lessons, we collected a few rocks and brought them home, always being carful to not take too much from one place.

A couple of geodes from the gold country, some agate and calcite from Idyllwild and an amethyst crystal were incorporated into the design. The crystal stands out of the ground at the top of the middle of the labyrinth, reminding us to pause and breathe.

After the rain, we fix any stones that have moved and find unique, pretty mushrooms that seem to have sprung to life over night. We think that the mushrooms are a sign that the fairies and gnomes love our labyrinth!


  1. This is a wonderful idea, I have always wanted to build one for my family....

  2. It's beautiful. So much work and so many beautiful stones and memories went into making it. It will be something your family will enjoy for a long, long time.

  3. That's awesome! I love it! I hadn't thought about making a partial or small one. I've only walked in a large round one. You've got me thinking diffently about this. Hmmmm?! Thanks!

  4. Simple, beautiful, fun, natural, elegant and perfect!!!!
    I like rocks too....

  5. I love this idea!...It is beautiful and thanks so much for sharing :-)

  6. oh wow! how wonderful! what a great idea :)

    p.s. be on the lookout for a post on my blog about our wonderful root child when she announces spring for us next month ;) <3

  7. Perfectly magical! We have a lot of natural slate here. I have often thought of using that to make one for our family and incorperate some of my favorite herbs. Thank you for sharing this with us. ॐ Namaste ॐ

  8. I love doing the labyrinth. I am very glad we made it.

  9. This is fabulous! I've only schemed about doing something like this in our yard. Kudos to you for making your idea reality. Using "found" rocks is a lovely touch.

  10. This is absolute wonderful to have a labyrinth in you own yard.I have been in the cathedral in Chartes ( France) and it has some magic going there.

  11. Wow! This is truly beautiful! We will have to try it when the weather gets a little nicer!


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