
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Eco Twig House

The magic folk at Syrendell have long been advocates of sustainable building design. When us humans were experimenting with straw bale homes, rammed earth, cob, FSC-certified lumber, or the more eco-luxurious materials such as soapstone, quartz, concrete, or Vetrazzo, the Syrendell Sprites were living in mushrooms and other natural shelters. The black and white picture is of pioneer syrendell sprites from over 1000 years ago!

The Eco Twig House exemplifies Syrendell's commitment to resource conservation and natural materials. We can't create Nature's habitats like mushrooms, but the sprites are nevertheless appreciative of our eco-awareness! The base of the house is made from a reclaimed fence plank that had aged over time and fallen in a recent storm. The posts, trusses, and beams are made from dried branches and twigs. Non-toxic wood glue and natural fiber yarn secure the pieces together. To finish the surfaces, after light sanding, we used a natural beeswax and organic jojoba oil polish.

Making the house takes a bit of time, but it is a rewarding project. We are selling the Eco Twig House in our Etsy shop (the one pictured in this blog is sold), but we encourage you to try to make your own from found materials around your yard. Enjoy the pictures of our Eco Twig House, and it might inspire your next building project to be eco-friendly and sustainable.

Thanks to all our blog friends for all the nice comments on our Twig House!
Here are two:
Jimana Diaz said: I want to live in that house!!!
Joy said: That's excellent! I just showed my 8 year old who thinks she might build one today.


  1. I just picked up a bunck of twigs from someones clippings the other day which I used a couple for our sunflowers (see my blog) but I have oodles left. I think this is a great idea! We'll be trying it soon. Thanks! (Maybe my fairies can live there)

  2. That's excellent! I just showed my 8 year old who thinks she might build one today. Thanks. :)

  3. I noticed these already in your etsy shop and fell in love with them right away! Beautiful work, sweet idea!

  4. what inspiration. I have been thinking of doing a similar project with sticks but haven't got around. It's always so nice to see a real picture of the project.

    That is simple and beautiful.

  5. How beautiful! My girls have been asking if we can make another fairy house soon...

  6. You are too funny! I love the black and white "100 year old" guys photos! You guys are so creative and fun.

  7. I love this. Beeeeaaautttiful work!!!! Thank you

  8. I want to live in that house!!!

  9. What a lovely little home. I would love that for our nature table. I loved the pioneer Syrendell they were truely enchanting. I wonder if perhaps we could learn from them and look to our ancesters for ways to be eco friendly. Thanks so much for your lovely blog. It is truely inspiring.

  10. Jennifer, your family is so creative and your connection to art and nature has really blown me away over these past months. I had been eyeing the twig house you have pictured with the Holy Family on your etsy shop and would love to have one for the family I needle felted last xmas. I love how you used the blown down fence for this - very eco friendly! Thanks for the continued inspiration. I look forward to your blog every week (more like every day :)!

    And please let me know when you come down to Castaic. It's not far from my house and I'd love for my family to meet yours when you're in town! I'll have to give you my phone # :)

    Peace & blessings!

  11. Thank you so much for sharing this. I have too been eyeing all of the twigs in our yard in the hopes that we could make some furniture, the home is a great idea.


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