
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Form Drawing & Science

In a previous blog post, we showed how we incorporate form drawing with social studies. This past week, we did form drawing that related to our science learning. It's a lot of fun to tell science stories as we draw our forms!
Biome Study: Wetlands
(creek, ponds)

(we tried making the creek's wavy edges symmetrical, moving from one corner to the diagonal corner-- a wonderful challenge!)

Astronomy Study: Heliocentrism, Gravity, Copernicus, Galileo
(sun, orbits)
(keeping concentric circles evenly-spaced without a compass was tricky, but it brought up great conversations about the shape of elliptical orbits vs. circular orbits of actual planets)


  1. My daughter's school incorporates some form drawing with other subjects. Very cool!

  2. Form drawing sounds like a lovely thing to do! Perhaps when we next meet at the Fiber Retreat, your children can show me how it is done. I would like that very much!

  3. This is what really intrigues me about Waldorf. I think this is how a child or student "gets it". If I was taught this while going to school I think I would have been able to understand math and physics.


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