
Friday, March 6, 2009

Magical Math

We are constantly seeking wonderful ways to experience the world of numbers. Here are some of our recent adventures...

Golden Ratio - (phi, spirals, botany, phyllotaxis)

Number Stories (inspired by A Little Garden Flower's Book - wonderful!)

Times Tables (Faerie Rebecca on Etsy makes these)

Gnomes & Jewels (weekly jewel-hunting)

Wilson and Mommy's Math Gnome Song
Once upon a time
There were four little gnomes
They were happy
In their little homes

Under the mushrooms
Near the lumber
They loved to count
Every number

Today they are hunting
Jewels that are shiny
Pretty and round
Sparkly and tiny

Add and Subtract
Times and Divide
Jewels placed in groups

They joyfully guide


  1. So much fun and learning going on here! Love the gnome song... must write it down :). Thanks for sharing!

  2. The book by John Blackwood is wonderful, isn't it? We are getting ready for a geometry lesson block soon, and it's one of the books we'll be using.

  3. Yes, the Blackwood book is wonderful! We bought ours at the Steiner College Bookstore in Fair Oaks, CA. We refer to it often.

  4. We just started using math gnomes, too.
    I really like your poem!

  5. muy bonito, I would have liked to have a math teacher like you.

  6. I do so enjoy reading your blog posts you always have something wonderful to share! I really enjoyed the pictures of your math adventure. What a great poem to have for math!

  7. If I had been lucky enough to have you as my first math teacher I would have a completely different relationship with the subject now...I may have to look for this book for my own daughters. I love your is in a word, "lovely" :)
    Your family is delightful and you share such wonderful ideas!


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