
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Raw Food Resources

We get a lot of questions about raw foodism...what is it? How do we do it? Where is there more information?

Raw food is essentially eating whole foods in their natural form. Being a raw food vegan means that fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and sprouted grains are eaten. There are a lot of "gourmet" raw food meals, but the easiest prep meals are often the best! Juicing and smoothies make great drinks, as well as natural spring water. Eating raw food is healthy for us and good for the planet.

Shopping and food prep is much quicker, and the health benefits are astounding. There are many wonderful books with recipes and information to get you started. Alisa Cohen's book is one of our favorites. We have a list of our favorite books that are available through Amazon listed at the bottom of our blog. Raw food prep classes are offered throughout the world, and raw restaurants can be found in many major cities.
Great tools to have in the kitchen: Vita-Mix or other high-speed blender, Juiceman or other juicing machine, citrus juicer, chopper, good set of knives, dehydrator, seed sprouter. These are not all necessary, but are nice to have on hand.

We highly recommend Purely Delicious magazine. It's a wonderful resource for the whole family! Click on this link to subscribe or take a quick peek at the current issue.
Purely Delicious Magazine

The Raw Food Coach (click on her picture below for more info.) is the perfect place to start if you need more information, e-books, classes and inspiration.


  1. Wonderful resources, I am going to check out that cookbook and magazine. We do a lot of raw food over here as girls just prefer it that way! :)

  2. This is great I have been wanting to do some research into raw foods diet but just didnt know where to start! Im excited to check out these resources!

  3. I am in the midst of a raw vegan diet experiment. I thought it would be hard but it hasn't been too tough. The flavors of the raw foods are extrodinary! I'm having trouble with all the nuts that some recipes call for, but that may just be an adjustment I need to make until my body is more aclimated. I thing that we will be having much more raw, living, vegan meals in the future. I am feeling "clean" for the first time in a long while. BTW, you take terrific photos.


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