
Monday, April 20, 2009

Danish Gnomes in our Home!

Today, we are posting about our gnome swap through Ravelry! Ravelry is a wonderful place for fiber artists to come together, learn, inspire, share and connect. There is a gnome group who hosts regular swaps. We were fortunate to be paired up with lovely Jette from Denmark for our gnome swap!

Well, take a look at the beautiful, knitted gnome family she sent to us. Carrots, too! The kids have had fun playing with them, including them in our circle time, and moving them around on the nature table. We have been studying the different types of roots this past month, so the carrots were appropriate!

While learning about hyperbole this week, we wrote a hyperbole poem about our Danish gnomes.

Joey lead us in a form drawing during circle time that looked like a carrot! She loves to lead form drawings.

Jette also sent us Danish chocolate, beautiful handmade ornaments, gnome stickers, magnets, a Hans Christian Anderssen book, and some beautiful Danish yarn. Wilson is crocheting bookmarkers for Daddy's and Lola's birthdays from the yarn.

We love our gnomes and everything that came from Jette in Denmark!


  1. What a treat! I love it all. So much fun to do exchanges like that. :)

  2. What a lovely post. Those gnomes are adorable. I liked your poem. We also enjoy gnomes around our home. You have three lovely children. Thank you for sharing.

    Warm regards

  3. What a lovely treat! My mom knit me one gnome which I love. I've never tried knitting and never have felt an urge too but seeing all the gnomies makes me ponder....

  4. What a great package! The carrots and gnomes are fabulous and I was eyeing your Living Alphabet book - I want one! :)

    The poem was excellent, too!

  5. much goodness! I think it's great how you incorporated the gifts into your lesson-hyperbole poem...wonderful!

  6. Wow, you certainly scored! What a very generous and talented lady.


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