
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Knights in the Kingdom of Caid

Digging through some of our activity archives, we found these pics taken in 2006 from a Renaissance Fair event sponsored by the Society for Creative Anachronism. We were invited by Bjo Trimble, the owner of Griffin Dyeworks & Fiber Arts, who is also a member of SCA. We displayed some of our spinning products, and had fun dressing up in medieval garments.

Sir Ricky and Sir Wilson were dressed as knights and Lady Joey, a princess of the Royal Court. Ricky's and Wilson's costumes were easy to create, using very basic materials and a simple design that allowed for speedy assembly.

The event was held in southern CA, where SCA's Kingdom of Caid presided. The men donned armor, and with padded swords, lances, and maces, they fought bravely in mock battles. Not to be left out, the young knights also were given the opportunity to try their skills in combat, wearing helmets, and knee pads, and using foam weapons and shields. Should we encounter any orcs from Middle-Earth, we're covered! Huzzah!


  1. This looks wonderful Jennifer! I received your parcel of fibre treasures the other day. Thanks so much, I will be back to buy more soon!

  2. How much fun!!!! I love their costumes.

  3. They looks SO cute in their costumes. We might have to try making a couple of those tunics. such a great idea!

  4. Awesome costumes! I love the scorpion and dragonfly!

  5. My kids enjoy things like this also...and dressing up is so much fun! Your kids are adorable! :0)


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