
Monday, April 27, 2009

Waldorf in the Home Conference

Mommy attended the Educating our Children -- Changing the Future conference, put on by Rahima Baldwin Dancy at The conference was at the Sacramento Waldorf School in Fair Oaks, CA this past weekend. Wilson came along on Sunday and had a wonderful time with other K children, playing on the beautiful K playground.

Some highlights:
Shea Darian is an amazing keynote speaker! She also did a wonderful presentation on the importance of rhythm and ritual at home. Her books are such a wonderful resource for homeschooling families: Living Passages for the Whole Family, Sanctuaries of Childhood, and Seven Times the Sun.

Deanna L'am spoke of the importance of honoring children's rites of passage as they grow older, especially girls. Fascinating subject! We got a signed copy of her wonderful book, Becoming Peers: Mentoring Girls into Womanhood.

Ellen Springwind presented on watercoloring. What a lovely and useful presentation!

Melisa Nielssen from did a wonderful presentation on 1st grade at home. We bought her 1st grade book and a CD full of songs that we will start incorporating in our circle times this next year. (If you purchase from her, please tell her that Syrendell sent you!)

We bought a lovely, biodynamic lavender essential oil from Napa Valley Apothecary. We used this for inhalation before going to bed and topically to heal a scrape. Wilson and Mommy added a few drops in our homemade lemonade today since we enjoyed the lavender lemonade at the conference so much!

Jan Schubert had her handmade, beeswax candles for sale, as well as her beautiful book, The Sun Seed. We couldn't resist getting candles and her book!

Marin Lipowitz presented on how to teach math to grades 1-4 using manipulatives from her upcoming math kits. A former Waldorf teacher, she showed how the kits incorporated Waldorf philosophy, CA state standards, and national standards. She gave us a few pieces of the kits to take home. Wilson enjoyed making numbers out of pipe cleaners today.

Many other wonderful vendors were on hand, including the Steiner College bookstore.

We enjoyed eating fresh, organic, biodynamic food and drinks for lunch and breaks, while enjoying the beauty of the campus. Singing each morning was the best way to start each of the two days of the conference. Overall, the conference was informative, enjoyable and inspirational!


  1. Wow! That must have been an amazing experience!

  2. looks wonderful. How awesome you got to go.

  3. Sigh...I'm a little bit envious. I would love to be able to go to something like that. Unfortunately, the southeast doesn't tend to attract waldorf conferences. I love The Sun Seed; it's very cool you were able to meet the author. I'm so happy for your family. I'm sure it was quite the experience. :)

  4. Jennifer, you are so fortunate on your side of the world to have such amazing conferences. It looks absolutely wonderful...

  5. Loved your post, Jennifer! And Wilson's numbers are fabulous - so colorful and tactile, I love it :)

    Looks like you had a marvelous time. Thanks for sharing it!

  6. Wow... what a conference, with such amazing people! Thank you for the wonderful resources. Seven Times The Sun was my introduction into the Waldorf Way and, literally, changed everything for me. It was the magical catalyst my soul had been waiting for.
    You must feel full of confidence from such a great gathering.

  7. Sounds like a wonderfully exciting and inspiring event!

  8. Oh WOW, it sounds like an amazing conference. Thanks for sharing your experience. Not as good as being there myself, but the next best thing.

  9. The conference looks incredible.I would love to attend some day!

  10. Oh how I wish I could of attended the conference. It sounds like there was a wealth of resources. Hopefully, I can make it to the next.

  11. I really, really, really wanted to go to this again with Melisa. We missed it, but I am thankful to have Melisa here in town with me at least.

    The school in Sacramento has such a peaceful, reverent feeling.

  12. oooo gREAT iDEA with the pipe cleaners...we will do that this afternoon :)


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