
Friday, May 15, 2009

Our Play Farm

Joey sewed a playmat earlier this year. She crocheted some flowers, needlefelted a river, felted some rocks by throwing blobs of wool fiber into the washing machine and dryer, and sewed the entire mat out of our old clothes.

Recently, a few animal friends decided to join us on the play mat. We purchased some moveable wood fence pieces on Etsy, and a farm was born!

Some of the farm animals are sewed out of felt, some are made out of wood, while others are crocheted, knitted or needlefelted. The goose came from downinthemeadow Etsy shop. Some sheep and a kitty are on their way to us from mama4earth Etsy shop. The lovely wood mushroom was made by Carle's husband. The puzzle tree came from Etsy, and the other tree is a cut piece of wood from Daddy with wool roving on top. The horse and pig came from Steiner College Bookstore. The rest were made at home by Mommy and Daddy.

This week, Wilson and Mommy were retelling the story of The Four Friends using the play farm. Then, the fences ended up becoming all sorts of imaginative creatures on their own. What fun!


  1. That's excellent! I hope Joey won't mind if I borrow her idea. I have lots of felted, recycled wool sweaters in the closet waiting for a good repurposing project. :) I'll bet my littlest one would love something like this.

  2. What a wonderfully creative family you have. I am amazed by Joey's work.

    Hope your day is beautiful. :D

  3. Hi Jennifer

    Thank you for the mention on your blog. I just love seeing Waldorf in action. My kiddies love this kind of creaive play too. Well done on the sewing of the play mat.

    Ps. I have been trying to follow your blog. I don't seem to be getting it right. I will try again soon.

    Warm regards

  4. I LOVE the needle-felted river! What a great idea! My daughter is 10 but she is still playing with our playmats - and so are her 11 and 12-year old friends! I am going to tell her about this idea....

  5. How creative,and imaginative, I just love this idea.

  6. What a fun thing to make! And what a smart cookie Joey is!

  7. I am so impressed, she is such a creative and talented young lady (see it runs in the family). I LOVE the bridge, I think that's my favorite part.

  8. what a wonderful playset!!! gorgeous!

  9. I love the idea of a playmat. Joey has some very creative ideas and did such a great job!

  10. Wow, what an awesome playmat! Joey is a very talented young lady. Kind of makes me inspired to finish/start my little one's playmat.

  11. Have you seen the book "Toymaking with Children" by Freya Jaffke? It is so sweet. There are lots of patterns for knitting little animals in there. I love the farm!! Thanks for joining my blog list! I will join your's, too. :)

  12. Hi Erin! So funny that mentioned that book....we just saw a copy at Steiner College Bookstore the other day. We love it! Thank you for following my blog. :)

  13. How creative! I've just recently gotten G. to try out the sewing machine - she made a little pocket to put her earrings (for when the starter earrings come out). I love the playmat!

    PS Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  14. I love your family farm! Looks like so much fun. You guys are too kewl. ;- j


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