
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sewing Family Aprons

In preparation for the annual Griffin Dyeworks Dye & Fiber Retreat, we purchased aprons from Dharma Trading Co. for the whole family. Joey found bits of material, including fabric from some old clothes, and she customized the design for each person's apron based on their favorite colors and what they wanted.

Joey talked to each family member, selected material, measured, cut and sewed onto the aprons, and voila! We now have our own custom aprons. Daddy's even has a water bottle holder! We can't wait to use these at the retreat, as well as at home when we do watercoloring, baking and crafts. Thank you, Joey.


  1. These are lovely Joey. I think my brogan4/...(just leaving the evidence of a little chick walking across my key pad) would love to be sitting sewing with you. She makes lovely creations too. I think an Etsy shop is in the making here...

    Have a lovely day

    Warm regards

  2. Wow, she has really become quite the little seamstress hasn't she? I love all the care she took into making each apron fit the personalities. Great job.

  3. How self-assured and industrious she is! I am in awe.

    Hugs to you!

  4. These are so charming!
    I also wanted to add I love your play list! When I heard the Mothers Day Interlude it brought tears to my eyes! I know that song! Its a really beautiful piece!

  5. What a clever and creative girl she is! - Great idea with personalized aprons :)

  6. She did a fantastic job! They are fantastic! :)

  7. I think it's wonderful that she spends so much time on the machine! :0) Way to go, Joey! Tell her that I'm proud of her. :0)

  8. Oh I love the aprons Joey! Aprons are a favorite of mine for sure and yours are so special.

  9. Once again...great job Joey! These look wonderful :D

  10. I'm always so impressed with all the things that Joey does. She's so talented and I love how she just dives in and does things. These aprons are great and will be perfect for the retreat. Which, by the way, looks like a lot of fun. I hope to go someday.


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