
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Friends Forever

Rabbie and Navy in their new home

Syrendell would not be a complete family without Rabbie and Navy! Our two creatures of nature have become the best of friends since they have been sharing the same space together for about five years now. They have moved a couple of times, but were never apart in those five years. Their latest home is in our backyard, just off the porch, in what will be our spiral path reflection garden (hope to work on that soon!).

Both had originally lived in southern California with us, and came up here to enjoy the northern California landscape. The trees here in Fair Oaks offer us reprieve from the hot summers, and for Rabbie and Navy, plenty of cool shade, some dappled warm sun, and a canopy of maple and jacaranda to keep predatory avian eyes from spotting our furry friend! We are a tad worried about raccoons in the area - are rabbits in their food chain? We might have to place an overhead enclosure to give some extra protection.

Rabbie is the rabbit, if you hadn't deduced from the name. And Navy is the Russian desert tortoise - no relation to the armed forces, just a name our daughter picked out of her imagination when she was five. Rabbie and Navy are liking their new digs, Rabbie started to groom herself immediately after entering her home, and Navy claimed a cool spot under the wood pile.

I SPY! Can you find Navy?


  1. I am so happy to see Rabbie and Navy in their new home. It is just so perfect for them.

  2. Aw, sweet, I love lop eared rabbits!

  3. oh my gosh, Rabbie looks *just* like our neat is that? :0)

  4. Oh they are too cute Jennifer! We love rabbits here and have quite a few and there are so many babies at the moment. Your tortoise is so beautiful, we used to have them roaming around our garden when I was small.
    I just love that your tortoise and rabbit are friends, wonderful...

  5. Your digs for the animals is tremendous! How lucky they are. Ours has to live indoors, sadly, but he gets so much attention there, so that is our trade-off.

  6. So sweet...what lucky friends to have each other :-)

  7. They are cute as a button. I'm glad they're getting settled in too. :)

  8. What a cool unique friendship!

  9. Loved this post! And the one about your summer activities. Your children are getting a great education--life, creativity, self-reliance.

    You're probably right about providing a safe place for Rabby. I don't think rabbits are in the raccoon food chain but you might watch out for foxes and bobcats, both of which roam like raccoons and love bunnies (not in a familial way).


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