
Friday, July 3, 2009

Potato Harvesting!

Ricky carefully harvesting potatoes

This week, we harvested baskets full of potatoes from the garden. We didn't even know that you could grow potatoes in California! What a delight to dig around and hunt for them. We studied different types of roots this year, so it was fun to find roots that we can also eat!
Yay! We found another one!
Wilson hard at work

Basket full of potatoes (basket woven by Daddy)
We've also been harvesting some tomatoes, onions, yellow squash, zucchinis, cucumbers and string beans.
In the next few months, we are hoping to have pumpkins, scallions, chard, bell peppers, citrus fruit, figs and watermelon. We love gardening by the creek in our back yard.


  1. What lovely looking potatoes, Jennifer! How fun it looked to find them. Your garden sounds just amazing...and is making me hungry - LOL!

    p.s. the burgundy silk is GORGEOUS! Thank you - I'm extremely happy with it :)

  2. Oh how wonderful to have that experience for your family! I am a California native, living in Massachusetts. We have had so much rain here that my potted garden is water logged. It is terrific to see how much you are gathering, to know that not everyone feels like they're a foot under water!! I remember those California summers with many wonderful gardening memories - and try to relive them every year on the East Coast.

  3. Great fun! And wonderful for the little ones to learn that food doesn't necessarily come shrink wrapped in the grocery store.

    Beautiful basket, too. :)

  4. Hi Jennifer,

    Oh wow, your garden is wonderful, harvesting potatoes is so much fun, it is like discovering hidden treasures in the ground!

    Thanks so much for posting off my snail, she will definatley reach us, our post office is redirecting all our post. Thanks again, I can't wait to receive her!

  5. Wow! The kids must have been filled with awe and wonder as those little tubers were unearthed! And to eat the potatoes fresh from the garden - what a treat to experience nature this way.

  6. What a treat for the kids to harvest the potatoes and eat them shortly thereafter. This is how we commune with nature!

  7. great harvest...will be so yummy!

  8. How fun! And, yummy! :-)

    Wow! Your garden grew so fast! Seems like you just moved in to your new home.

  9. The whole process of growing and harvesting potatoes is one of my favorites in the garden!

  10. The garden is awesome, lots of fun!

  11. We love harvesting potatoes! The children call it mining for gold!

  12. Oh those potatoes look wonderful! We still have a while before our first fresh spuds, but they are worth the wait!


  13. Our taters are growing strong now. Last year we had all dark purples. Like pulling gems out of the earth!


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