Last year, we crocheted cases for our Interval Choroi wood flutes. This year, we knitted cases for our Pentatonic Choroi wood flutes. The kids selected wool fiber colors and handspun their own yarns on the spinning wheel before crocheting and knitting.
Making a case is simple. Adjust starting row to fit the size of your flute.
1. Chain 16-20.
2. Single crochet until you create a rectangle that is 1-2 inches longer than your flute.
3. Cut the yarn, leaving a long tail. Sew this tail into the bottom and side of the case with a yarn needle.
1. Cast on 26-20 stitches
2. Knit rows until you create a rectanlge that is 1-2 inches longer than your flute. Another option is knit one row, purl the next row, repeat.
3. Cut the yarn, leaving a long tail. Sew this tail into the bottom and side of the case with a yarn needle.
Tie Options
1. Lucet, crochet chain, spoolknit, braid, kumihimo a cord or make a twizzler, long enough to tie into a bow.
2. Either weave in and out of stitches to make a drawstring, or just tie it at the top, or sew the middle of the cord onto the case and then tie.
3. If you want to crochet or knit one side longer, you can have a "flap" that closes up the case. The cord can be tied through the flap, or you may sew a button in place instead of tying a bow.
If you need to learn how to sping, knit or crochet, try private lessons or classes at your local yarn shop. Youtube has some nice videos. Also, www.nexstitch.com and www.knittinghelp.com have free video tutorials. The book links at the bottom of this post are very easy to follow. We offer lessons and workshops in the Sacramento, CA area, and other locations upon request: www.syrendellacademy.com.
If you have older students, consider using a variety of crochet/knit stitches, adding beadwork or embroidery. Be creative and have fun!
Hello Jennifer,
I love stopping by here, you are all so creative, it is very inspiring, thank you so much for sharing all that you do:)
We have been making flute cases as well. We made them somewhat bigger and felted them, in order to make them thicker and more sturdy. Yours are very beautiful, I really admire your and your childrens skills and devotions to your projects and the things you make.
Thanks, Linda and Mona! Mona, I love the idea of felting them. Sturdy cases would be beautiful and useful, especially if you take the flutes anywhere! Let me know if you blog about making them.
Beautiful, Jennifer! I like how they are all so unique. So very special!
The flute cases are so beautiful! And they are so useful too, protecting your wonderful instruments.
i am so impressed with your kids!
Hi, Jennifer!
I will save your instructions for when we begin lessons next year...do you have any advice on the pentatonic flutes - choroi vs Quinta vs recorder vs pennywhistle, etc. etc??
Thanks, Michelle in VT
Thank you all for the nice comments! :)
Michelle, great question. We have pennywhistles, plastic recorders, wood flutes and traditional flutes in our home. Pennywhistles and the Choroi interval flutes are a great place to star with younger children. My family didn't care for the pennywhistle sound as much, though. Plastic recorders are inexpensive, but do not have the same sound or feel as the wood ones. We love our Choroi quinta pentatonic flutes! We will be learning the diantonic one later this year with our older two kids. Then, we start learning traditional flute (silver one with keys!) when the kids' hands are large enough...about 10 years old.
they are so lovely! it's funny to see how you are "supposed" to hold a crochet needle or knitting needles. i taught myself without looking at a book or anything and i know i hold them wrong. the first time my mom saw me crocheting she said, "WHAT are you doing?" :0) haha
i look soooo strange when i knit or crochet and to see others looks strange to me.
Hi Jenn! It's always interesting to see how people hold their hooks and needles. I was taught to knit Continental, so that is they way I taught the kids. When we use small crochet hooks, we hold them like a pen and if they are large or Tunisian hooks, we hold them like a knife.
I love that Gyo Fujikawa book of children's poetry. I am constantly using it. Lovely flute cases too!
Thanks, naturenest! We love that poem book, too. My mom bought that for me when I was a baby and I've had it ever since. My kids love it!
Just beautiful! Learning to crochet is on my list for early this year. always had problems being left-handed, but I will conquer. I loved your table - we have that Child's poetry book too.
Hi Jacqui! Good luck learning to crochet this year. You will love it! My youngest is left-handed, so I teach him that way. If you can, find a teacher who can demonstrate left-handed for you. Or, sit directly across from someone crocheting right-handed and see if that helps.
Oh, they're just beautiful!!
What a great project! They're sooo cool! I love seeing your kids crafting. It makes my heart smile. :-)
Love your photos and projects! Wonderful!
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