We hosted a Creative Family in the Dell workshop this past weekend. Three lovely families joined us for watercoloring, Steiner philosophy, fiber arts, music and more!

Steiner College provided yummy, biodynamic veggie enchiladas, and we had a salad with veggies from our garden and Sacramento Waldorf school's garden. We explored the garden and yard, looking for nature's treasures.

We played some percussion instruments, sang songs and wrote verses to our children. We ended the day with a song that we made up as a group:
The day is done
Our work's begun
Singing in a circle
Thank you friends
For this time
The kids have played
And had some fun

Thank you to the wonderful families who made this such a special day! More workshops to come. For more details about what we learned and shared, please see Rick's blog: www.thewaldorfway.blogspot.com.

Steiner College provided yummy, biodynamic veggie enchiladas, and we had a salad with veggies from our garden and Sacramento Waldorf school's garden. We explored the garden and yard, looking for nature's treasures.

For fiber arts, we carded wool with two different sizes of hand carders and a drum carder. We did some needlefelting and spinning on spindles. With wooden finger puppet bases, we glued on acorn caps and some of our felted fiber to make little woodland people puppets.

We played some percussion instruments, sang songs and wrote verses to our children. We ended the day with a song that we made up as a group:
The day is done
Our work's begun
Singing in a circle
Thank you friends
For this time
The kids have played
And had some fun
The day is done

Thank you to the wonderful families who made this such a special day! More workshops to come. For more details about what we learned and shared, please see Rick's blog: www.thewaldorfway.blogspot.com.

Wow! That looks great! Wish we could have been there!!!
Such neat energy coming through those pictures! The kids are very fortunate.
i love the momma holding her baby in every pic, super sweet! looks like fun!
There are those gorgeous wooden bowls again :) What a wonderful, wonderful workshop you held! I wish I were a fly on the wall :) Would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to attend one in the near future!!!! You guys are awesome!
I was wondering how this went. Its a shame im not in the area (or country) I would be at everyone of the work shops you hold. Thanks for the link to the waldorf way!
Your workshop looked perfect from beginning to end!
I wish we could have been there too! This is such a beautiful idea.
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