Some glimpses into our Language Arts so far this year....
Playing "I Spy" with the Waldorf Alphabet Book

Making moving picture books
Exploring two letters each week using Earthschooling curriculum and Enki fairy tales.

Writing letters in cornmeal

Writing letters in cornmeal

Watching mommy act out a fairy tale each week (Persuasive essay follow-up to Briar Rose)

Reading and writing poems, stories, verses

Memorizing tongue twisters and reciting them aloud

Greek and Latin word roots

Memorizing tongue twisters and reciting them aloud

Greek and Latin word roots
Form drawing

Writing plays (and acting, too!)

Wonderful resources. Thank you Jennifer. We are covering a block of Language Arts Grade 1 at the moment and goodness we are both loving it. What a happy enlivening journey this is! I am discovering that I am drawing more and more from myself to present to my son and it is so rewarding. Happy learning to you all.
Best wishes
Acting out a fairy tale, huh?
Hmmm... :)
If I did such a thing I might frighen my children! Or at least perplex them.
Stephanie, you are too funny! I select a fairy tale each week that features the letter(s) of the week. I choose just a few props and maybe one simple costume to tell the story. I read the story to myself over the weekend, then again on Mon. night, then Tues. morning, and then I perform it on Tuesday. My memorization skills are getting better! If there is a nice verse with the story, I print it out and the kids pastel it and put it up on the refrigerator for the week. Sometimes we re-enact the play with puppets the next day.
I love those corn stalk dolls! I spy with the alphabet book sounds good. I have the book but my kids don't like it.
Your days are so full of beauty and inspiration. Thanks so much for all you share!
I love this... what creativity they are getting from your reading lessons! We also tell stories, play Eye Spy in the Alphabet Book and enjoy retelling things in our own way in writing. What a neat way to learn. As always, I am inspired and awed by your posts. :)
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