I will be leading a chat online this Friday through Earthschooling! Here is the info.:
Just in time for your holiday crafting, Jennifer Tan will be online for a live chat on Friday, December 4th, 2009 at 11:00am CST. This live chat will be done in the form of an online audio lecture with a question and answer period afterwards. You will be able to listen via your computer or phone. You are sure to be inspired with a lot of ideas of crafts you can make for the holidays and Jennifer is sure to have the answer to your questions like "What yarn should I use for the socks I am making for my mom?" or "Where can I find a pattern for this toy I want to make for my niece?" or "Help! I made a mistake in this sweater - what do I do now?" Earthschooling members and forum members can attend this chat for free. Look for the sign up box in your inbox! If you are not a member you can sign up at: http://waldorfenrichment.weebly.com/chatguests.html or become a forum member at: http://waldorfenrichment.weebly.com/forum.html

Jennifer Tan enjoys teaching spinning, crochet, Tunisian crochet, knitting, cro-hook, felting, natural dyeing and scrumbling. She homeschools her three children using Waldorf methods. She is an expert in many areas of handiwork and will be available during our December live chat to answer your questions about handiwork. She has been featured on DIY and HGTV's "Uncommon Threads" and runs a popular blog where she chronicles her homeschooling adventures with her husband and children. You can also visit her at: her BLOG, www.syrendell.blogspot.com and at her ETSY shop: www.syrendell.etsy.com
Hey Jennifer! I signed up months ago when I first heard you were doing this chat! I know it's going to be dynamite, just like you Mamma! Can't wait for Friday :D
This sounds wonderful!
Bet the live chat was great today Jennifer!
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