Solstice Salad
Mixed greens from a biodynamic farm and veggies from our own garden (green tomatoes, parsley, mint, green onions, zucchini, chives)
Carrots and apples, plus biodynamic kale, and beet greens, spinach and parsley from the garden, all through the juicer. Added a bit of orange juice to each glass.
Solstice (Sun) Tea
Joey and her friends went on a hunt through the yard for the ingredients, then placed them in a clear carafe with water and left it out in the sun for a few hours. Yummy!
Summer Crowns
Ivy, rosemary, Japanese maple, roses and wire made beautiful crowns!
Needlefelting leftover bits of wool from other projects created pretty wings that were slid into painted wood clothespins.
Solstice Eve (Melody and piano by Rick Tan, lyrics and flute by Jennifer Tan, 2001)
Look out to the sea
On a solstice eve
Through the ancient trees
An isle with rocky lees
Bless all the spirits
Kiss their hearts divine
Sing to the angels
Play the flutist's line
We will eat with thee
Boil the herbal tea
Thank the blessed leaf
Honor the willow reed
Bless all the spirits
Kiss their hearts divine
Sing to the devas
Play the harpist's line
Dance in circles round
Feel the energy's sound
Share your dreams and love
Dance to the moon above
Bless all the spirits
Kiss their hearts divine
Sing to the dryads
Play the drummer's line
What a wonderful solstice celebration! I love the solstice tea, vruit, and salad. Delicious!
How lovely! I so enjoy seeing how families celebrate solstice...sounds like you had a lovely celebration!!
:) maureen
I was just wondering if you could eat green tomatoes raw. I will have to tell my mom, I know she is always looking for different raw stuff to eat.
such a lovely celebration! can't wait to try your tea recipe!!
have a great week
Thank you for the nice comments, everyone! Glenn Family, yes, you can eat them raw when they are green. They are not as soft as red and have a bit of tang to them, but they are yummy and nutritious! :)
What a fun way to welcome summer!
Wonderful celebration. Loving your vruit and sun tea.
Such lovely Solstice lyrics!
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